Skin Concern > Freckles
Freckles are the brown spots that usually pop-up due to age, overexposure to the sun or can also be genetic in nature. However, the biggest culprit in their onset is the UV damage to your skin. Freckles are usually clustered everywhere on the face, neck or can also show up on your body as well.
It is important to know whether your freckles are because of the sun, genetic or age-concerned, its treatment remains the same due to its structure. Their severity can be observed in stages, hence, if you see their onset early on, its best you act fast.
Calee’s Qswitch NDYag Lazer is the latest technology to treat Freckles. Q -Switch laser creates an invisible beam of light that specifically targets the brown pigment or melanin present in the dark spots without having any affect on the surrounding skin. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and gets fragmented within the skin’s tissues, thereby giving you a smooth and even skin tone. The laser reaches deeper areas where products or peels etc do not reach.