Hair Concern  > root strengthening

  • Get flawless strong hair with natural shine with the Root Strengthening Hair Pack.
  • The potent properties of onion and fenugreek strengthen the follicles and increase hair thickness, helping you achieve thicker hair with stronger roots.
  • Effectively reduces hair loss, baldness and thin hair
  • Strengthen the hair follicles and moisturises the scalp.
  • Facilitates the formation of keratin for hair

At The Lavishette we strongly believe that real ingredients in their raw forms does wonders to your skin and hair. Our “Root Strengthening and Conditioning Hair Mask” is enriched with raw and promising ingredients like Bhringraj, Hibiscus, Liquorice which helps extensively in making your hair strong from the roots and enhancing the texture and quality of your hair thus promoting hair growth and acts like an excellent hair conditioner.